Unlock the options for energy savings with Energa.


Squeezing better value out of your energy loop


 We add value to your business by pin-pointing where you have the best opportunity to:

    • Lower your energy costs
    • Create infrastructure for your future energy needs

    • Drive discipline around monitoring and maintenance to reduce risk

For some it is in commercial solar. For others battery storage. Hydrogen represents a massive opportunity to re-evaluate many energy programs.

We keep it simple, and start with one on one advisory session at your site and a 360 degree analysis of your energy profile analysis by anon-site engineer.

Energa provide sector specific optimisation tactics to reduce energy usage without compromising operations


Energy Audit

A detailed audit of the loop between how you generate or purchase energy and how your business uses it.

Energy Design

Based on accurate financial analysis we help you understand what actions today can affect your energy bill tomorrow.


We develop your solution through engineering and network approvals. We source, procure and contract for you. For each project we break down each procurement and finance method available to your business so you can make the best choice on your return on investment.

Project Manage

Get the specialised help to ensure your investment and your team are ready for the future.

Monitor & Maintain

Get the specialised help to ensure your investment and your team are ready for the future.


Through experience, we’ve narrowed our focus on the few key areas most likely to provide the greatest ROI.


Energa builds systems to ensure energy monitoring, tariff analysis, power factor correction, responsive voltage optimisation and embedded networks are in place


It is an excellent source of renewable energy, it’s ideally suited to power buses, trucks, and other heavy vehicles, and it can be produced and used cleanly.


Battery storage of power provides options and alternatives for grid-connected and off grid enterprises. Along with access to other network support revenue streams (FCAS)


We design and install commercial solar assets. Either Rooftop, Ground Mount or Solar Shades.


Even if we can reduce load for just a few hours a week it can help you reduce your electricity costs for the whole year.


Energa takes a multi-disciplinary approach to finding the right solution to drive down energy costs for your business.

They lead a team that have assessed, designed, engineered, installed and maintained many commercial energy efficiency programs across Australia. Energa find spots across your enterprise that could save you money and drive energy efficiency. See how we can future-proof the energy mix for your business.


Energa has been trusted to find the value for a number of businesses across Australia. No one size fits all when it comes to energy, or energy savings, we work with our clients to find the solution that works for their business. 

The solar panels project at the school has realised immediate gains for us in several areas. Our annual electricity bill has fallen from $600,000 to less than $250,000. Against installation costs of about $1.25m, we are on a path to recover that in the coming years.

We can then redirect funds to improve outcomes for our students and staff. We have scope to install more solar panels and we expect to do that in the near future.”

Dr Paul Browning, Principal of St Paul's School


8a/15 Tedder Ave , Main Beach QLD 4051 



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